Tokyo Tech Applied Brain Sciense Laboratory was launched in the Department of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering at Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2012. The department named it the ‘Kansei laboratory’ indicating optimism that the lab will lead to a productive and lasting tie-up between research on human experience and mechanical engineering.

Whay's new!

 We had a demonstration of the haptic virtual reality using soft actuator at IEEE World Haptics 2019. We can enjoy plenty of haptic demonstrations and interactive presentations at this conference.
DM 1.03 Junhong Li, Masaya Michishio, Qiaobo Qu, & Takako Yoshida (2019) Non-metal air actuator based multimodal force sensation exhibitions by continuously varying force.

Vision 2016 Vision 2016 Hands-on lecture for junior and senior high school students will be conducted by four professors on Jan. 26, 2019 at the Tokyo Tech Lecture Theatre. A 3D binocular color display system that will hack the eyes and brain will enable the students to experience and explore the future of human and artificial brain research.
Tokyo Tech Event Calender: Open Lecture "Gateway to Science -Machine and Human Brain: Beyond AI-"
Supported by Tokyo Institute of Technology International Fronrier Education Program

Vision 2016 Who should be held responsible when a robot makes an autonomous judgement and behaves to mean well but these lead to a socially unwanted trouble? Should we blame the creator? the user? or the robot itself? Where can we set limits to solve this new problem under the current law standards? How can we create balance between technology development and social safety? Should we re-consider the ideas of responsibility or the subjects? Four researchers in different genres—engineering, law, psychology and philosophy will discuss these issues during the hands-on lecture.
National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation Open Lab. (in Japanese)
Tokyo Tech Event Calender" (in Japanese)
Supported by National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation & JST RISTEX

Vision 2016 Vision 2016 For students who are interested on admission into our university,we will open the lecture Counseling center for robot on law, philosophy and psychology" at the Tokyo Tech Open Campus as part of the School of Engineering exhibition. Questions such as “Who will be held responsible when an AI robot causes a socially undesirable accident? Should it be the creator, the user, or the robot itself?” will be answered via discussions with experts on law, philosophy and psychology.
Sponsord by:JST RISTEX

Our lab was featured on the Tokyo Tech PR page "Exploring the harmony of humans, robots, and AI." Advances in robotics and AI have led to an integration and expansion of interactions between humans and robots. With this, concerns regarding safety, usability, controllability and liability have also arisen. Takako Yoshida studies these issues from the perspectives of psychology and mechanical engineering. The movie is our exclusive soft actuator-based wearable power support suit.
Faces Tokyo Tech Researchers. Vol. 31 Takako Yoshida - Exploring the harmony of humans, robots, and AI.

Vision 2016 Vision 2016 On 03.14.2018. Dr. Takako Yoshida conducted a talk at the RISTEX "Human Information Technology Ecosystem" symposium on "Who should be held responsible when an AI robot causes an accident in society". Wearable robotic systems create circumstances where humans and AI share control over the same functions. The decisions made by a human operator and an AI may not always match, and this disparity can change the focus of responsibility in the event of an accident. The picture showcases our ‘fMRI-compatible wearable power support robot system’ and the user's brain activation difference during the instances when the robot moves in accordance to and against the user's intention.
Responsibility and agency in AI era (in Japanese)

Vision 2016The booklet "Human-Information Technology Ecosystem" is now available in English.
Special Tripartite Discussion
What are the responsibilities and the subject of the artificial intelligence era?
-Kazuya MATSUURA philosophy
-Takako YOSHIDA psychology
-Tatsuhiko INATANI law

Vision 2016 Vision 2016 Our laboratory will technically support the Virtual Reality Thrilling Flight event for kids at Haneda Tokyo airport. Please come and join us.

Vision Science: Computer vision, human vision, and your vision, 2017 Spring.
Vision 2016The hands-on vision science lecture, and vision, haptic, proprioception multimodal virtual reality exhibition will be open in collaboration with Prof. Masayuki Tanaka for highe school students. The talk includs their application in our daily life such as sports broadcasting. Now the entry is open. Please register from following URL.
(suponsord byTokyo Tech Foundation & Tokyo Tech COI)

Shota Tanaka won the best talk award on the fMRI compatible wearable soft power support robot and the user's brain activations from The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers.
Master student Shota Tanaka won the best talk award for his presentation "Tanaka, Suzumori, Nabae, & Yoshida (2016), An fMRI study to investigate the brain signatures for user's sensation and experience when using wearable robot" from the System Integration Division, Annual Conference of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers.This study can be a basis for understanding the brain mechanisms uncerlying the sense of agency and ownership for the wearable power support suits, as well as the basis for the application such as medical body rehabilitations.

Kazuma Horita won the best presentation award on the fMRI study of the easy visual search for the self-controlling object from the Vision Society of Japan.
Master student Kazuma Horita won the best presentation award for Horita, K. & Yoshida, T. (2017) The brain fucntion of the visual search for self-controlling object, from The Vision Society of Japan.It has been reported that it is easy to find the self-controlling object among other moving around objects. He investigated the brain mechanisms underling this phenomenon by psychophysics and fMRI. This type of study can also be a basis for the application such as desgining and oprimising the the reali-time controlling system usability and controllability.

Vision Science @ Tokyo Tech Campus Visit 2016
The hands-on vision science lecture and the 3D and 360 deg. virtual reality exhibition was held in collaboration with Prof. Masayuki Tanaka at Tokyo Tech Campus Visit 2016 for highe school students, again.

Vision Science: Computer vision, human vision, and your vision, 2016 Revisited.
The hands-on vision science lecture series, Computer Vision, Human Vision, and Your Vision was held in collaboration with Prof. Masayuki Tanaka. More than fourty high school students enjoyed the vision, haptic, and proprioception multimodal virtual reality exhibitions and related talks.
(suponsord by JSPS Hirameki-Tokimeki Science grant)

Vision Science: Computer vision, human vision, and your vision, 2016.
ELSI Vision 2016 The hands-on vision science lecture and the 3D virtual reality exhibition was held in collaboration with Prof. Masayuki Tanaka for highe school students. The talk included their application for the sports broadcasting.
(suponsord byTokyo Tech Foundation & Tokyo Tech COI)

Vision Science: Let's see it with the virtual reality @ Tokyo Tech Campus Visit 2015.
Vision Science, Open Campus 2015 Sphere The hands-on vision science lecture and the 3D aurora virtual reality exhibition was held in collaboration with Prof. Masayuki Tanaka at Tokyo Tech Campus Visit 2015 for highe school students, again.

Seeing the brain with the magnetism @ Tokyo Tech Campus Visit 2015
Brain The first public exhibition on the Tokyo Tech fMRI was open at Tokyo Tech fMRI room in collaboration with Prof. Hiroyuki Akama. In place of the real human head, a pinapple was scanned with 3T MRI scanner for diffusion tensor tractography to visualize their fibers. (Supprted by Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Tokyo Tech fMRI opreration comittee)

(07 - 08.08.2015)
Vision Science: Computer vision, human vision, and your vision, 2015.
VR Event 2015 The hands-on vision science lecture and the 3D aurora virtual reality exhibition was open in collaboration with Prof. Masayuki Tanaka for highe school students for two days, to tell the human visual systems, computer-based visual display systems and their safety. (Sponsored by Hirameki * Tokimeki Science -Welcome to the University Laboratory Project-) (DIY recipe to try similar experience)

Vision Science: Computer vision, human vision, and your vision.
-Change blindness gallery by high school students @ Tokyo Tech Campus Visit 08.08.2014-

Chage Blindness GallleryOne of the most important roles of the university is the knowledge and information shareing service to the public. Prof. Masayuki Tanaka and we provided the short class for high-school students to create change blindness movies and publish them on the web as a first step to share their knowledge and information to the public. Here is their gallarey.

You can try following Change Blindness generator for the class.


Tokyo Tech Festa 2013 & Campus Visit 2013 Department of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems Engineering lecture exhibition "Laboratory Training on Human Brain Functions and their Measurements"

HMDWe will have hands-on exhibisions related to "Laboratory Training on Human Brain Functions and their Measurements" by Dr. Yoshida. Please come and join us.
Tokyo Tech Festa 2013 & Campus Visit 2013

You can download and try the Android application

Rolling Ball Application Figure In Yoshida, T., Tsutsumi, Y., Tanaka, M. & Nakamura, A. (2013) Sequential learning of a tablet-based visuomotor task with conflicting rotational transformations, Asiagraph, USA.
(Larger image is here!->) Music by Shue Itamoto (c) Tokyo Tech Applied Brain Science Lab.
The application with Japanese instruction in a Zip file is here. (Soon the English instruction file will come)

2013 International Symposium on DESIGN & emotions (3/14) Roppongi, Tokyo.

Design & Emotion sympo Design by S. Kamiya (c) Tokyo Tech Applied Brain Science Lab.
Cars and bicycles, sport equipment, mobile phones, cooking utensils, computers, games and toys... Because designed objects are everywhere in our life, improving the way people experience and feel objects is a crucial issue tackled by designers and scientists. In the 21st century, the aim of design is to serve people and society not only in term of functions, but also in term of emotional fulfillment and well-being.
In this context, designers have to deal with contemporary issues such as:
- how to design products that provide a satisfying experience to people
- how to design products that fit our body and brain capabilities
- how to design creative and innovative products
- how to design for users who are not aware of what they need
- how to design for usages and experiences which do not exist yet
Our international speaker lineup reflects the multidisciplinary profile of design, with experts in industrial design, kansei engineering, information science, semiotics, cognitive science and neuroscience. The speakers will give inspiring talks as well as live demonstrations of interactive systems.

Tokyo Tech Festa 2012 & Camus Visit 2012 Department of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems Engineering lecture exhibition "Laboratory Training on Human Brain Functions and their Measurements"

Moving WindowWe will have hands-on exhibisions related to "Laboratory Training on Human Brain Functions and their Measurements" by Dr. Yoshida. Please come and join us.
Tokyo Tech Festa 2012 & Camus Visit 2012